Orders take 14-20 Business Days to process before they are shipped, then it takes 5-7 days to deliver once shipped. If your order includes a custom oil please allow an extra 30 Business Days for processing. We do not count weekends, federal or observed holidays as business days. Please remember that spelled items are handmade and spelled to order in small batches by one person. Non spelled items can tend to come quicker than items that are made to order. Thank you for your patience!

Satya Cinnamon Incense 15 grams (Prosperity, Luck, Power)

Satya Cinnamon Incense 15 grams (Prosperity, Luck, Power)

Moonlight And Sage Shop
Regular price
$3.55 USD
Sale price
$3.55 USD
Regular price
Sold out
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Satya Cinnamon Incense 15 grams.

☾ Great for first of the month workings! Learn more here! Cinnamon for power, prosperity, luck, and speed of all of your manifestations. 

☾ Check out other cinnamon products like Cinnamon Herb or Cinnamon Ritual Spell Oil

Legal Disclaimer: The items at MoonlightandSage are hand crafted special should be used with intention of the buyer, spell jars are not to be used or are intended to bused in replacement of professional advice such as medical, legal, psychological, or business.