☾ One bottle of Murray & Lanman Persian Rose Cologne - Spiritual Water (Love, Harmony, Good Luck, Peace)
☾ The rose is known as “ the queen of the flowers”, one of the most beautiful, praised and valued flowers in many cultures. Rose Water is an excellent toner after cleansing to normalize the PH of the skin. Rose Cologne is distilled from real rose petals, and is used to promote love, harmony, good luck, and to bring peace in relationships.
☾ Ways to use it: Use in spiritual washes. Use it as an offering. Add to bath water, thresholds, floor washes, and more!
☾ Legal Disclaimer: The items at MoonlightandSage are hand-crafted special and should be used with intention of the buyer, spell jars are not to be used or are intended to be used in replacement of professional advice such as medical, legal, psychological, or business.