☾ Canela (Cinnamon) Spiritual Water
☾ Some of the labels might be a little worn/look different than this label but these are brand new and ready for your to use! Great for first of the month workings! Learn more here! Cinnamon for power, prosperity, luck, and speed of all of your manifestations. Anastasia also has a post about a First of the Month Prosperity Floor Wash using cinnamon water!
☾ Check out other cinnamon products like Cinnamon Herb or Cinnamon Ritual Spell Oil! cinnamon water, canela water, cinammon spiritual water
☾Legal Disclaimer: The items at Moonlight andSage are hand crafted special should be used with intention of the buyer, spell jars are not to be used or are intended to bused in replacement of professional advice such as medical, legal, psychological, or business. 1oz Bottle