☾ Aquarius Season Zodiac Ritual Oil - January 20 to February 18 (LIMITED AVAILABILITY)
☾ This Ritual Spell Oil is handcrafted by me to aid in creativity, intelligence, innovation, forward-thinking, support, and passion.
☾ Available for a limited time only for Aquarius Season Ritual Oil - January 20 to February 18 (LIMITED AVAILABILITY)
☾ All Ritual Spell Oils are handcrafted, spelled, and made to order by Anastasia. Thank you for your patience! Please note you are buying a SPELLED item- a spiritual curio, and not a perfume oil. While all of my oils have yummy scents to them that is not the main point of these oils. If you would like a more perfume oil / oil that’s heavily scented or a certain scent to your spelled oil please order a custom and specifically state the notes you would like. The scents while normally do not change from their regular scent, are subject to change at any time. Sometimes spirit calls for me to change things up. -
☾ Legal Disclaimer: The items at MoonlightandSage are hand-crafted special and should be used with intention of the buyer, spell jars are not to be used or are intended to be used in replacement of professional advice such as medical, legal, psychological, or business.